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Foods to Increase Prolactin Hormone
Some food items can you use to increase the prolactin hormone. Now in case, you have had a visit to the doctors and they have asked you to supplement with foods to increase prolactin hormone you will have some general queries in mind.
Why is it that you are suffering from prolactin deficiency? Why even do you need to increase the prolactin hormone? And how can you increase your prolactin hormone by indulging in some food items to include in your diet?
In this article, we will answer them all. So let’s begin right away.
What is the prolactin hormone and what is its major dominant role in the female body?

The prolactin hormone is a hormone that is found in both sexes that is in males and females. But it is in the female body that the hormone plays a much dominant role. The main actions of the prolactin hormone come to be when the woman is pregnant. It is during this stage that you will find the prolactin hormone levels to increase gradually.
It is during the woman’s lactating stage right after childbirth that the hormone levels are at their peak right throughout this stage.
The role of prolactin hormone in the female body

The prolactin hormone helps the female to produce more milk in the mammary glands which is highly essential to feed your young ones right after their birth.
The problem is that sometimes women may suffer from a deficiency of prolactin hormone which may occur due to any hormonal imbalance or due to a malfunction of the glands secreting the hormone.
In this article, we will find out about some of the foods to increase prolactin hormone.
Let’s begin…
Food items that you can use to increase prolactin hormone


Oatmeal is rich in iron which indirectly helps to increase milk production right after childbirth. Along with this, it can help release stress which is one of the concerns right after childbirth stage in most females. It contains a good amount of dietary fiber to help digest properly and boost bowel movements and digestion efficiency. Along with this it also contains carbs that digest slowly allowing to boost energy levels.

Barley is a substance that contains beta-glucan which is a sugar that directly helps implement high prolactin hormonal levels in the human body. The best benefit of adding barley to add to your diet is that it can be taken in with multiple foods like you can add it with rice, salads, stews, and vegetables.

Fenugreek is one of the herbs that help increase lactation in females. It is rich in a compound called phytoestrogens which helps in the release of more prolactin hormone levels. One of the things that you have to be alert about using fenugreek is that you should not increase your daily intake to more than 3500 milligrams per day.

Spinach is one of the best leafy greens that are highly rich in iron content that helps increase prolactin hormone levels. Nutritionists recommend adding spinach in any form or variety of dishes to their daily meals. Along with being iron-rich, it is also rich in calcium, folate, vitamin K which helps boost lactation indirectly.
Spinach is also rich in the compound phytoestrogens just like fenugreek. It is one of the compounds resembling generic estrogen that also helps increase prolactin hormone levels.
Brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast is one of the foods to increase the prolactin hormone. This is one of the food items that are rich in chromium, selenium, iron, and Vitamin B. These are some of the nutrients that are present in breast milk.
This is one of the food items that you can add to your diet depending on the supplement of cooked meals. You can add it to your various recipes to make them soft and delicious.

Garlic is one of the substances that has been shown to increase lactating aid for females since medieval times. This is one of the spices that are rich in lactogenic effect and supports overall health. Some doctors say that intake of garlic in your daily meal can also help love babies love its flavor through breast milk. Along with it, this spice can help increase immunity and protect against various types of infections.

We say nuts which is a general food category. All types of nuts are very good and often a recommendable form of intake post-childbirth. The best types of nuts that you can include in your diet include walnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, and groundnuts.
The best part is that you can add nuts in a variety of forms to your diet. It is best to take the food in roasted form. You can add them to a variety of smoothies, salads, cookies, cakes, and others.

Ginger is also a foods to increase the prolactin hormone. It can help in lactation aid and along with this it also helps curb indigestion and nausea. When you consume it in small amounts daily you can help fight depression while also boosting your immune function. This has also been one of the food items that women have been taking from medieval times because of its wound-healing abilities and increased lactating capabilities. Ginger is one of those food items that you can take by various means, of course, you can add it to any of your recipes as a spice item or even in salads. One of the best forms of intake is to take a small slice of ginger with a small amount of honey in the morning right after waking up.

Seeds like sesame seeds, flax seeds, and pumpkin seeds are also great additions to your diet in case you are looking to increase your breast milk production to nurture the dietary needs of your newborn. One of the unknown facts that maybe you will also know about is that seeds are one of the best raw organic foods to increase prolactin hormone. These contain essential minerals and good fats that are highly essential for your baby during the early suckling stages. You can have them in the raw or toasted form, add them to salads, or smoothies as well.

Consuming asparagus can help increase estrogen levels in the female body and thus aid in the indirect increase of the prolactin hormone to increase milk supply. It is known for one of the compounds that are found within it known as galactagogue which can help increase the production of breast milk. Along with this, it is also rich in flavonoids and saponins. All together these compounds can help produce more milk in the mammary glands.