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How To Reduce Prolactin Hormone Naturally?
The prolactin hormone is one of the body’s hormones. The presence, that is the secretion amounts as well as the general activeness of the hormones are more within the female body. Its secretion and activeness are generally less within the males.
The secreting gland controls the levels of prolactin hormone to be secreted in the pituitary gland. Now if there is a malfunction of the pituitary gland then it may lead to a stage where you may suffer from high levels of prolactin hormone secretion. And such an instance may occur within both the male and the female bodies.
In this article, we will first see what prolactin hormone is and mainly focus on its excess amounts and what problems it may lead to both within the male and the female body. And then we will also look at ways how to reduce prolactin hormone naturally?
Let’s begin…
Why would you want to reduce the prolactin hormone?

Why would you want to reduce the levels of prolactin hormone in your blood? After all, does it cause any problems such as side effects, complexities, or other disorders? does it hamper secretion of other hormones or does it hamper the natural metabolic processes in our body? Let’s find out…
Problems with high prolactin secretion in the male body

The problem of higher prolactin hormone secretion in males is the loss of manhood features in males. Higher levels of prolactin may cause testosterone levels to drop sharply. This can cause problems such as loss of muscles, loss of body hair from the armpits and chest. Of course, it will also hamper the health of your semen cells. It can lower the count of such cells as well lead to less motility. Therefore a male is expected to suffer from low fertility due to the rise of prolactin hormone.
One of the other things as to why you are wondering right now about how to reduce prolactin hormone naturally is the increase of breast size in males that looks kind of awkward.
Problems with high prolactin hormone secretion in females

The problem is more severe in females. Of course, prolactin hormone boosts milk production during the vital stages in a female just during pregnancy or post-childbirth. This is the time when the prolactin secretion levels will be at their high.
But the problem is that higher levels of prolactin hormone secretion in females can be untimely too that is when a female is not pregnant nor is she breastfeeding.
As we told you above one of the reasons for this could be an abnormally functioning pituitary gland. Higher levels of prolactin hormone in females will cause problems of milk secretion even when not pregnant or breastfeeding a newborn.
Moreover, it will also cause difficulties with getting pregnant. What happens is high levels of prolactin hormone in the body will disallow the female ovulation cycles, and thus missed periods which may cause difficulties in getting pregnant.
Natural means to reduce prolactin secretion

Lowering blood sugar

Considering lowering your blood sugar levels. This is more true in the case of those patients who are already suffering from problems of high blood sugar. Doctors have found that patients who are having high blood sugar may cause prolactin hormone to secrete in larger amounts due to more fatty acid content in their blood. It also causes decreased efficiency of the insulin receptors to bind to the insulin hormone. Consider having any food item that is low in sugar such as broccoli, sea fishes like salmon, tuna, seashells, pumpkin and its seeds, okra, flax seeds, beans, chia seeds, kale, berries, etc.
Consider having vitex

There are a few plant species and types that we together call Vitex. In your quest to find how to reduce prolactin hormone naturally this is one of the best naturally proven methods.
A plant that originates from the Mediterranean and West Asia, it can help reduce levels of prolactin hormone. The goodies that we are talking about in the vitex plant part are the important oils and flavonoids in them. It can directly allow you to stop the secretion of prolactin ion excess amounts. Or else studies show that it also leads to higher levels of dopamine secretion which in turn prevents higher amounts of secretion for prolactin hormone.
Don’t consume barley and beer

The reason why ask you to omit these two substances from your diet is that a higher intake of both substances may increase your gluten content. Studies show that higher levels of gluten can induce prolactin secretion. Various studies also done in this field indicate that higher alcohol intake can direct influence prolactin secretion due to abnormal working of the pituitary gland.
Dealing with stress the right way

Stress can be one of the factors right now as to why you are on the hunt for how to reduce the prolactin hormone naturally. You see, higher levels of stress cause more secretion of the cortisol hormone. To respond to this in the right way and to gain homeostasis our pituitary gland is programmed to release more levels of cortisol hormone.
Your immune system works at lower efficiency triggering the brain to secrete more prolactin that will aid in boosting the immune system.
Some doctors say that they have also found out as a general conclusion from human studies that females who have had instances of childhood trauma can suffer from higher prolactin hormone secretion right from a very young stage in life.
What do we conclude from all this? well, it’s all that you have to manage stress and cannot allow it to get the better of you. you have to do regular stress-busting exercises, do yoga, and meditation because these are the most powerful natural ways to get rid of excess stress.
Don’t eat less

If you are overweight right now try out some of the healthier strategies to reduce weight but don’t eat less. Remember that if you eat less then your body goes into more of a stressful mode and this may swing up high cortisol levels. And surely we have seen how the higher levels of cortisol can induce you to higher prolactin secretion right?
Another problem is that your body goes into conservation mode. And this means that your body is saving up any form of blood sugar that it can. And rising blood sugar levels can also increase prolactin secretion as we have seen above.
Take in Vitamin B6 supplements

If you wonder how to reduce prolactin hormone naturally using supplements then try having Vitamin B6 supplements. Studies have shown that it can be one of the best ways of increasing dopamine hormone and this, in turn, will have a direct inhibiting effect on higher prolactin secretion.