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How to increase prolactin hormone?
Prolactin is said to be one of the most important and significant hormone which plays a vital role in breastfeeding and pregnancy of an individual. Prolactin hormone performs different kind of function in human body. It is also known as a breastfeeding hormone and this is made up from the pituitary gland of the brain. The main function of this hormone is to produce breast milk in women to feed the baby. In any individual body prolactin hormone is always present. During the time of pregnancy, while breastfeeding the level of prolactin hormone may increase significantly which affect the milk production in body of a women. It also helps in fertility and menstruation.
This prolactin hormone stimulates the breast of a women to produce milk after pregnancy. Sometimes due to the low level of prolactin hormone it becomes difficult for a mother to breastfeed their baby because there is low milk supply in their breast because of decrease in the level of prolactin hormone and hence it has now become one of the biggest problem. Due to decrease level of prolactin hormone mother’s sick different type of remedies in the market to increase the level of prolactin in their body. We understand this problem and hence in this article we are going to share some of the tips that helps a woman to increase prolactin Hormone in their body.
Use natural remedies
Using natural remedy is one of the most convenient and safest way to increase prolactin Hormone in a women body. This may include the following things:
Stimulate the breast towards the end of pregnancy

Most of the health care providers suggest that 2 month before delivery you should start pumping your breast with an electric pump as it helps a lot to increase prolactin Hormone. By doing this it get stimulated. Main idea of doing so is not to actual produce breast milk but this is done with the aim to stimulate the breast and nipple of a woman to produce more amount of prolactin hormone. At starting stage it is suggested to pump for about 5 minutes then gradually increase it’s time up to 10 minutes for every 4 hours and then 20 minutes for every 3 hours.
Pump after breastfeeding

Various study shows that Damoh breast stimulated then it may be able to produce more amount of prolactin hormone. Pumping is the best way to increase this prolactin hormone. Various doctors are of the view that use a mechanical pump daily after breastfeeding your baby. After breastfeeding to your baby pumping to the breast cause stimulation and for that more prolactin hormone is said to be produced in a woman’s body.
Take fenugreek

Various women’s view that fenugreek helps a lot in increasing milk supply from the breast of a women. And thereby helps in increasing productive hormone. You can take the help of fenugreek for the same. Where is fenugreek capsules available in the market. It is advisable to take 2 to 3 capsules three times a day with food. It helps in producing good amount of protecting hormone in your body.
In starting stage it is advisable to start with low dosage. If you find out that no side effect has been found in your body then you can increase the dose up to four capsule three times a day. However it is also advisable that do not take fenugreek capsule if you are allergic to peanut or chickpea. It is also very important that you should consult your doctor in advance before start taking this fenugreek capsule.
Add sesame, oats in your diet

There are some natural ingredients available in your kitchen that helps you to increase this product hormone conveniently in your body. It is also suggested to eat whole grain oats. It contain good amount of protein which further helps in increasing prolactin hormone. Along with oats you should also include sesame seeds in your regular diet. It also helps you a lot in increasing this prolactin hormone.
Use prescriptive medicines
Apart from natural ingredients there are various medicines available in the market which helps an individual to increase prolactin Hormone in their body and you can consume such medicine to increase it.

- You can start taking metoclopramide as it helps a lot in increasing prolactin hormone production in your body. However, it is also advisable that you should not start taking it without having an authentic prescription from your doctor. You must discuss it with your doctor and then only start taking metoclopramide. It is also very important that you make sure that you do not have the problem of depression. Otherwise it may make your mental health retarded and you may suffer from various anxiety and depression issues.
- some medicines decrease the production of prolactin hormone hence it is advisable to stop consuming such drugs. So you must never start taking any medicine without the consultation of your doctor. He is an expert so he will be able to have a better concern about the same.
- If you want to increase the level of prolactin hormone in your body. And at the same time you don’t want to get pregnant then in such a situation you should consult your doctor. He will help you to trick your body in such a way that helps you to think that you are pregnant but you are not. Doctors may suggest consuming progesterone or estrogen in a prescribed amount that helps in increasing such hormone in your body.

The above have discuss some of the tips that helps you to increase the productive hormone in your body. But one thing to be kept in mind that too much production of electric hormone we provide certain side effects to your body. There is a risk of infertility, cancer or other health problems in your body. So it is advisable to take only herbal remedies to increase prolactine hormone under your doctor supervision.