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Erectile Dysfunction test Yourself
What is an erectile dysfunction test yourself?
The erectile dysfunction test yourself is a self-performing test to approve you that you have ED.
And by the way, if you don’t know what ED is here is a one-line for you-
It can be simply stated as the lack of getting erections. You don’t get erections at all or have something called soft erections in which your erections are not as hard as required for penetration neither can you sustain your erections for a long time.
ED can happen either due to age, which of course was thought to be the only possible reason.
But later scientific research conducted in this field also shows that men suffering from certain physical and psychological disorders can experience ED too.
By the way, the erectile dysfunction test yourself is considered to be outdated.
But even then it can probably give you a hint on whether you are suffering from ED.
It requires strapping up a specialized device that counts all the critical observations of how many and how long you had erections during the night sleep.
Why is the erectile dysfunction test yourself performed?
Although you might feel that being outdated the erectile dysfunction test yourself is a complete waste of time, but even then it can yield fairly accurate results.
One thing is for sure though.
There are many more highly scientific tests conducted in the research laboratories and pathological centers that you can undergo after a doctor’s consultation which will almost certainly find out if you are suffering from this nagging disorder.
But of course, there are two reasons why you might want to undergo the erectile dysfunction test yourself.
It can be done on your own
The erectile dysfunction test can be done at home without the requirement of any medical apparatus.
All you have to do is strap around some postage stamps around your penis that will give you an indication in the morning whether you had erections at night while sleeping.
This can be a good option for those especially those who are shy and cannot talk freely about such private issues.
Healthy men get erections at night… not those who have ED
Although there are many better and highly advanced scientific tests now, there is one thing that the erectile dysfunction test yourself is based on.
And that is on how many and how long you can sustain erections at night.
Any healthy man will get erections at night. Not for once or twice but for many times more than 4-5 times.
But someone who has ED symptoms might not be getting any such nocturnal erections at all.
Erectile dysfunction test video
For someone willing to undergo the erectile dysfunction test video they can search online on youtube and check out the videos to get an idea of how the test needs to be done.
Who’s at risk for erectile dysfunction?
Unlike other physical disorders, erectile dysfunction is a complex disorder that can have many associated causes.
The reasons that are either psychological or physical or a mix of the two can be far more distant and irrelative looking, to say the least.
So are you at risk of suffering from erectile dysfunction?
Physical disorders leading to ED
Certain physical disorders can be the root cause of your ED. This can include-
- Heart problems
- Nerve problems
- Diabetes
- Low blood pressure problems
- Obesity
- High cholesterol
Psychological disorders making you more vulnerable to ED
- Stress
- Fear
- Depression
- Anger
Lifestyle style factors that may contribute to ED in the long run
Along with some physical and psychological factors, there can also be some lifestyle factors contributing to ED such as-
- Excess smoking
- Alcohol addiction
- Addiction to narcotic drugs
How to prepare for erectile dysfunction test yourself
There are some basic self-preparation things to undergo for the patient before conducting the erectile dysfunction test at home.
If you have a habit of drinking every night before going to bed this is to be avoided complete minimum of two nights before. For your information excess, alcohol intake works as a depressing agent and might hinder your brain from generating thoughts of having sex or erotic feelings.
If you take sleep medications this is also something that needs to be avoided. Sleep medications for treating insomnia and lack of sleep problems are also like depressants to sexual thoughts.
Also to avoid drugs before going to the bed.
Caffeine in coffee can also bring about depressing thoughts and interfere with the erectile dysfunction test yourself.
Things that you need to buy-
Well, you don’t need any medical apparatus for conducting the test. All you need is postage stamps and any size or shape will do.
But wait.. what is it all about?
Postage stamps for conducting erectile dysfunction test? What’s going on here?
Yes, a few postage stamps are all you need. An alternative to stamps includes paper.
How to Identify Problem for erectile dysfunction test yourself
The erectile dysfunction test yourself does not give you even some indications regarding the underlying root cause of the problem. It can be due to a lack of poor blood supply caused due to cardiac problems or even psychological stress or depression that is causing the lack of erections.
How an erectile dysfunction test yourself is performed
Conducting the erectile dysfunction test yourself is fairly simple enough. Don’t wear any tight underwear or briefs.
You need to wear baggy type shorts.
Now all you need to do is take a few stamps and moisten them with water. Make sure that they are wet enough so that they will easily snug and break with a bit of stress on them.
Now you have to stick these postage stamps all the penis circumfusing the shaft of the penis.
And that’s it. you can also overlap the stamps to ensure that don’t fall off due to little contact
Go to sleep and check the results the next morning.
After an erectile dysfunction test yourself
If you don’t see any cracks appearing on the stamps or the paper that you had stuck around in your penis does this means that you are suffering from a lack of erections or ED?
Well, maybe or maybe not…
It’s always best to go to the doctor and undergo a few tests that will most definitely ascertain whether you have ED.
These tests include-
- Blood tests
- Urine tests
- Duplex ultrasound test
- Bulbocavernosus reflex
- Penile biothesiometry test
Don’t panic… yes, as the saying goes you need to hold on to your calm and patience even if the results seem not very encouraging.
Checking for Results
You know what to expect by now right?
Conducting the observations is fairly easy. All you need to do is find out if the stamps are still stuck to the shaft of your penis and if they have some cracks on them. Even if they have fallen off find out if they are broken.
If you have had erections at night then your penis would have certainly increased in size and dimensions and therefore the cracks should appear.
Having said that you can understand that this is a very basic test and one that does not confirm on any logical grounds that you are suffering from ED.
What’s the outlook?
The erectile dysfunction test yourself is a basic test that does not guarantee that you have ED or impotence.
Visit a doctor and talk to them on what tests need to be done and what are the curative methods for ED.
Don’t feel shy about talking as this can further worsen your sexual relationship to the point of an extremity such as divorce.
Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction
Treatments for erectile dysfunction are many and include-
- Use of medicines such as Cenforce 200
- Psychotherapy
- Doing certain changes in lifestyle
- Undergoing surgeries
- Going for acupuncture treatment
- Choosing to go with herbs
- Some exercises and yoga.